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Male on right has destinctive ring female on left.

These lovely birds originate from Northern India and are the largest and longest of the Asiatic parrots.

They mature around 3 years age and their lifespan is approx. 20 or more years, they can attain 40 yrs of age.

The adult male has a "collar".  Normal colour adult hens lack the neck ring.

Hand reared or young taken straight from the nest become very tame and may learn to talk.

They are a large bird and can be noisy.

Leafy branches can be placed in the aviary for the birds to chew up. This will entertain the birds, help minimize boredom and give the birds some beak exercise.

Alexandrines are easy to feed and they like to have a variety of fruits and vegetables as part of a regular food intake.

The Alexandrines food requirements are seed based including canary seed, white millet, oats, and sunflower along with a variety of fruits such as apple and orange and a variety of vegetables such as corn, corn-on-the-cob, carrot and celery.  Green foods are essential including seeding grasses, green leafy vegetables and sprouted or soaked seed if available.  Pine nuts and peanuts can be offered.

The birds may consume insects such as mealworm larvae, pupa and beetles, especially during the breeding season.  Insects are a good source of easily digested protein for the adults and the young.

Parrot pellets and dry dog food can form part of a balanced food intake.

Corn-on-the-cob is a favourite and commonly fed to these birds.  Calcium supplies such as cuttlefish, shell grit, crushed oyster shell or calcium blocks should always be available.  They love chewing on branches.

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