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The Major Mitchell's cockatoo (Lophochroa leadbeateri) is also known as Leadbeater's cockatoo or pink cockatoo.

A medium-sized cockatoo .


The Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo is a small pink-and-white parrot. Its head, neck and underparts are pale to deep pink, while the upperparts are white. The underwings are orange-pink with white flight feathers. It has a crest that appears white when it is flattened, but shows broad bands of red and yellow when it is raised.


Major Mitchell females and males are almost identical. The males are usually bigger. The female has a broader yellow stripe on the crest and develop a red eye when mature.

Reproduction and lifespan

The reaches sexual maturity around 3-4 years old. The oldest recorded pink cockatoo died at 83 years old.


Its call is a distinctive stammering whinny.


As Pets:

They need a lot of constant interaction to keep them tame.

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