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Rosellas are in a genus that consists of six species and nineteen subspecies. These colourful parrots from Australia are in the genus Platycercus. Platycercus means "broad-tailed" or "flat-tailed". Their diet is mainly seeds and fruit.

 They tend to be kept in an aviary setup with others of their kind; however, a well-socialized, hand-tamed rosella can be a sociable companion.


Care & Feeding

Rosellas need space and a good diet to help them thrive.  Rosellas love to bathe, so provide a shallow dish of water for them to bathe in.

A standard diet for a rosella should include lots of fruit and vegetables. These birds are reported to live for more than 25 years if cared-for properly.

Personality & Behavior

While rosellas might not be inclined to cuddle or want to be petted like other parrots, they can be sociable if they are consistently interacted with.

Speech & Sounds

Rosellas are capable of loud chatter, especially in the morning and in the evening. Rosellas are not great talkers, but may pick up a few simple words. Rosellas are, however, great whistlers and can learn to whistle songs.

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