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King Parrots


The male is on left female right, these bueatiful birds are super friendly and injoy being around people.

Habitat In Wild:  Prefer densely forested areas, such as wet sclerophyll forest as well as eucalypt forest as well as surrounding secondary vegetation. Will use farmland, residential areas, parks and gardens, to collect food.

Adult plumage: attained at about 15 - 18 months.  Full adult plumage may take up to 3 years.  

Lifespan (estimate):  approx. 15 or more years. Long lived.

Temperament:  Very popular bird with a good temperament. 

The female and the juveniles have a green head, neck and upper chest.

Diet in wild

Australian King-Parrot feeds on nuts and seeds, particularly of Eucalyptus and Acacias, but also of great variety of plants. It also consumes fruits and berries, nectar, blossoms and leaf buds, insects and their larvae.

The male King Parrot is a beautiful rainforest bird with red and green feathers and blue on the wing coverts. The female has green head and red underside.

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