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Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo

These birds are long lived, approx 25 or more years. May be up to 50 years can be achieved.

Often kept as a pet in a cage.  They can be good talkers but can be very noisy. 

The Sulphur crested cockatoo is a social bird usually seen in a flock and as a pet bird they require a lot of attention and interaction.
The temperament of a pet Sulphur crested cockatoo may change as they grow up.  Hormonal changes can significantly change the bird's temperament when puberty starts or becomes a "teenager".  Some can become very territorial and show aggression if you enter their space.

Suitable non-toxic leafy branches can be placed in the aviary for the birds to chew up. This will entertain the birds, help minimize boredom and give the birds some beak exercise. To help relieve boredom and as a way of providing exercise, suitable bird toys can be placed in the aviary.  Most bird toys are designed to be chewed up and will require replacing after the birds have reduced them to splinters.  Aviary breeding birds will enjoy playing with and destroying bird toys just as much as pet birds.

Native foods include seeds of the Acacia, Eucalypt and the introduced Pine species along with the seeds of grasses and other plants.  They will rip open branches to get to the grubs which they eat along with other insects.  Branches, seeds and cones of these trees and other suitable native plants should be offered to the birds along with branches and fruiting bodies of the cotoneaster and hawthorn bushes.  This will provide them with hours of physical activity and mental stimulation as well as a varied diet.

Aviary diet should restrict the amount of Sunflower and safflower seed.  Other seeds include canary, corn, hulled oats, millet, milo, and wheat.

Other foods can include apple, almonds, peanuts, grapes, vegetables such as broccoli, corn, peas and silverbeet.  Leafy green vegetables are essential to a balanced diet.  Small amounts of Plain Madeira cake can be added to a balanced diet.  Seeding grasses are eagerly consumed.  Many will eat insects such as grubs and mealworm larvae pupa and beetles.  Dry dog food can be offered.

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