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Little Corella

Also known as the bare-eyed cockatoo, blood-stained cockatoo, short-billed corella, little cockatoo and blue-eyed cockatoo, is a white cockatoo native to Australia and southern New Guinea. The Little Corella (Cacatua sanguinea) is one of the small species of cockatoo. It’s feathers are white, with a small rim of pink feathers around the bill and yellow feathers under the wings. The crest is small and white. The bluish naked patch around the eye is much bigger than in other species.

The little Corella as a pet

This species is easily adapting to living with humans and can become very tame, hand raised make great pets.

In the wild

This species is one of the most common species of cockatoos in the wild. It occurs in Australia, mostly on open fields and is increasingly common in urban and agricultural areas.




The call consists of high pitched notes and screeches somewhat similar to the sulphur-crested cockatoo. Large flocks will call simultaneously and can create a deafening screeching sound audible from several kilometres away.


Little corellas usually feed on the ground, however occasionally feed in trees and shrubs. They eat a variety of both wild and cultivated seeds and regularly feed on lawn grasses in urban areas. They frequently feed on cereal crops such as wheat, barley and corn .


When little corellas play, they become very noisy. They have conversations with each other, fly around and also show off. Little corellas show off by hanging themselves upside-down with their feet, beaks or both.

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