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These amazing birds make beautiful  babies each year and the noise the male makes when we get to close to his girl sounds like a dog growling and is very funny.


Originally from South America these birds mature at 12 months.

Quakers live for 20 or more years.

 Pairs or groups of Quakers can be very.  Single birds are usually fairly quiet.

Pet Quakers can become good talkers they mimic sounds they hear in and around their cage. 

Quakers are social birds and need a lot of attention when kept as a single bird if the bird is to avoid developing bad habits or behaviours. 

Placing suitable parrot toys in the aviary will help avoid boredom and provide beak exercise.  They love destroying wooden parrot toys.

Food should be parrot pellets good quality parrot seed mix along with a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts and green foods including green leafy vegetables.  Seeding grasses and soaked or sprouted seed.

Insects may form part of their natural food intake.  Some aviary birds will consume mealworm larva, pupa and beetles as well as crickets, especially during the breeding season.

The fruits, seeds or fruiting bodies on trees such as the eucalypt, hawthorn and pine trees may be consumed.

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